Welcome to Candyland

My poster, titled “Welcome to Candyland”, displays several parametric 3D plots of different types of candies and their corresponding Mathematica commands. The Frooties display cylindrical and disk inputs, the Whopper employs spherical, and the Dots utilize conical and disk commands. Additionally, I wanted … Continue reading “Welcome to Candyland”

Lagrange Multipliers in Economic Consumer Theory

Economics as a field has a lot of math built into it to apply theory to specific problems. I decided to focus specifically on consumer theory because it was an aspect of microeconomics that I feel has one of the most intuitive applications of … Continue reading “Lagrange Multipliers in Economic Consumer Theory”

The Spirograph: Past, Present, and Future

Our project is meant to do more research about spirographs and draw spirographs using Mathematica. We want to know the history of the spirograph. The Spirograph is a geometric drawing toy that produces mathematical curves known as hypotrochoids and epitrochoids. … Continue reading “The Spirograph: Past, Present, and Future”

Graphing 3D Models of the Shapes of Ethnical Buildings

The foundation of the Kazakh yurt is a cylinder of radius 1.5. The roof is a conical frustum around the line joining the sequence of points: {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 1.7}. The base radius of the frustum is 1.5 and the … Continue reading “Graphing 3D Models of the Shapes of Ethnical Buildings”