Charcuterie Board in Mathematica

We thought of a few ideas when discussing this project. Sam had the idea to make a charcuterie board in mathematica. Lia had a Bryn Mawr charcuterie board so we thought we could create that in Mathematica with some food toppings. We thought of what would be on a charcuterie board and we decided that there would be blueberries, cucumbers, some cheese and some crackers. We looked up the size of all of the components in real life to make sure we could create the model in scale. We also wanted to experiment with different shapes, so we made sure to use a variety of different items that would allow us to explore different mathematical functions.

Some of the codes we were able to use from previous assignments and some of the codes we had to figure out ourselves. The code for the crackers, wheel of cheese, cucumber, board and wedge of cheese we had to research in order to be able to create them. This research included figuring out how to create cylinders with rounded edges as well as figuring out how to import images onto components in Mathematica so that our board and cucumbers could be realistic. There were some challenges in moving around the different components as they all started centered around the origin. So we wanted to make sure each item stood on its own and didn’t overlap one another.

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