Building a Bouquet: A Multivariable Approach

We were interested in showing the beauty of everyday life with math. Sometimes it is hard to make connections between what we learn in class and the outside world. By using math to make flowers and a vase, we were able to better appreciate the ways in which math is present all around us and in things we enjoy. Flowers have beautiful patterns in them, and we were interested to see if we could capture or start to understand some of them through parametrized curves. In terms of the vase, we had made a very similar cylinder in mathematica during the polar coordinates lab. Sarabjit was able to add a base to the cylinder from that lab to make it a closed vase.

We used mathematica to code the shape of the vase, then we transferred this code to Tinkercad and Ulticura when going to the Bryn Mawr Makerspace in order to 3D print the vase. We used craft wire to model the flowers, creating the designs on mathematica with parametrized curves, and then shaping the wire by hand to match each of the three curves. Our final products allowed us to bring the two components together, with the cylinder serving as an extremely complimentary base for our parametric curve-based flowers.

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