Just How Outrageously Underfilled are Haribo Gummy Bear Packages?

Our project examines how underfilled gummy bear packages are by calculating the maximum capacity by volume of each gummy bear package and comparing it with the actual fill. We obtained the volume of the gummy bear packaging by filling it … Continue reading “Just How Outrageously Underfilled are Haribo Gummy Bear Packages?”

3D Modeling the Geometries of Molecules

For our poster project, we incorporated the geometries of molecules into multivariable calculus. The idea for this project initially sparked since we are both chemistry majors and wanted to do something related to chemistry, but we did not know what. … Continue reading “3D Modeling the Geometries of Molecules”

3D Shapes in Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia

Antoni Gaudi was a Catalan architect whose career seemed to have consisted of one masterpiece after another, with his most famous masterpiece being his Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. The Sagrada Familia (“Sacred Family) is a church which is essentially dedicated … Continue reading “3D Shapes in Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia”

3D Modeling of the Fruit Platter

Our group is concerned about good health and we think fruits are a good source for acquiring various types of vitamins. Therefore, we plan to draw a variety of fruits using parametric equations. Parametric equations are particularly useful for describing … Continue reading “3D Modeling of the Fruit Platter”

Modeling our Breakfast from Erdman Dining Hall in Mathematica

When this project was explained in class, we heard various examples of previous students who used Mathematica to graph different types of food, such as an ice cream cone and pasta. We decided to do something similar and graph a … Continue reading “Modeling our Breakfast from Erdman Dining Hall in Mathematica”

Modeling Gravitational Waves in Mathematica!

We were drawn to this topic because evidence for gravitational waves is relatively new, and there is still exciting research emerging as we speak. First detected by LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) in 2015, gravitational waves prove even more of … Continue reading “Modeling Gravitational Waves in Mathematica!”