
I teach a range of courses at Bryn Mawr including Multi-variable Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Chaos Theory, Math Modeling and Sustainability, Real Analysis and Senior Conference. I also teach a course on math and science education called Changing Pedagogies in Math and Science Education.

Links to my recent courses are here; older courses are here.

I have supervised students doing senior research projects in a variety of areas including mathematical epidemiololgy, dynamical systems and sustainability. Students who want to do math research with me should take Differential Equations, Math Modeling (taught by Professor Graham), and a course in computer programming before senior year.

In 2018, one of my students, Meagan Murray-Bruce worked with the Philadelphia Street Light Department to analyze the cost/benefits of convert all of the incandescent street lights to LED. Here is a video she and Tiana Evelyn made about the project, and an article written about the street light conversion.

A number of my students have won the MAA EPADEL Student Mathematical Papers Prize:

Graduate Students:

Ph.D.:  Sherry Teti, The Existence of Elliptic periodic Orbits in the Smoothed Bunimovich Stadium, 2008.